Micro Men was released in 2009 by the BBC as a one-off comedy TV drama. The plot is set in the late 1970s through early 1980s, following the rivalry between Sir Clive Sinclair, creator of the ZX Spectrum home computer and Chris Curry who created the BBC Micro. The drama being centred on these two leading players in the early home computing boom era in the the UK in the early 1980s, where they both go head to head, to win a grant from the BBC, to become the provider of the home computer that would be used in schools as part of the BBC Computer Literacy Project through the National Curriculum.
The two key chracters of the drama, Clive Sinclair played by Alexander Armstrong and Chris Curry played by Martin Freeman. Some points of the drama were based on historical facts, while other parts are a dramatisation.
Micromen was shot in the UK, with some scenes being shot around the college areas of Cambridge. Computers and technical props for the set were supplied by The Centre for Computing History.